All About Ash

Bestselling author Robin Ash writes edgy dark romance and erotic horror, choosing to self-publish her works. She crafts stories that venture into unconventional territory, where heroes may be the villains, challenging readers to love the unlovable. Currently residing in Cape Town, South Africa, with her two daughters, Robin finds joy in writing tales that inspire affection for complex characters and provoke contemplation. When not immersed in writing, she can be found basking in the sunlight with her Kindle, engrossed in a book, or embarking on adventures with her family.

When asked about her writing, Robin explains that she delves into the realm of dark romance. These are love stories that deviate from the ordinary, where the hero often assumes the role of the antagonist, yet readers find themselves enamoured with these unlikely characters. Her inspiration stems from a love of both romances, albeit not the conventional variety, and spine-tingling, nail-biting horror novels. Robin’s unique approach combines these two genres to create captivating narratives that keep readers on the edge of their seats while allowing them to swoon over the villains.

Robin’s journey as an author began with her debut book, “Colour My Ugly,” which originally resided on her bucket list – a dream to one day write a book. One day, armed with a tiny notebook computer, she embarked on this journey, and three months later, she had her first book ready for publication. Initially, Robin contemplated shelving it, but a friend and book blogger threatened her with dire consequences if she didn’t publish it. This marked the start of her self-publishing journey, though it included a challenging encounter with a vanity press. Nevertheless, Robin persevered, teaching herself the intricacies of self-publishing, learning from mistakes, and seeking guidance from fellow authors. Her debut book was a learning experience, teaching her both what to do and what to avoid. As she prepared to release the second book in the series, she had found her footing and assembled a supportive team, including an editor, formatter, PR company, and designer. This collaboration resulted in an extraordinary release for “Monochrome My Madness,” a book she cherished as her favorite. It also paved the way for her collaboration with writing partner Mary, who proposed an extraordinary co-writing project.

Robin delved into uncharted territory when Mary introduced her to the concept of “The Red Market” books. Robin initially anticipated backlash, even banishment by the “book police” (which only happened with Apple), as the idea was unprecedented and boundary-pushing. However, she enthusiastically embraced the challenge. “The Goodbye Man” was born from this collaboration, and the pair co-authored and published a full-length novel in just three months, resulting in an incredibly dark and unconventional erotic horror story. To their amazement, “The Goodbye Man” achieved the coveted Amazon bestseller banner, occupying the number one spot in erotic horror in both the USA and UK for three weeks. This milestone brought about many other opportunities, including an invitation to sign books at the “Books Are Bigger In Texas” event in Houston, where 80 indie romance authors gathered for a signing. In Houston, Robin and Mary successfully launched the second book in “The Red Market” series, creating cherished memories.

However, the success of “The Red Market” books also attracted haters, trolls, and unsolicited religious emails from those who disagreed with their bold narrative choices. Robin and Mary knew from the beginning that their work would either be loved or hated, as they intentionally challenged their readers’ moral compasses. Undaunted by the criticism, they remained true to the story they wanted to tell.

Between the two “Red Market” books, Robin published “My Black Hole Heart,” marking the conclusion of the “Colour Series.” This bittersweet experience required bidding farewell to the characters who initiated her writing journey and penning the final chapter.

Looking forward, Robin’s visit to the USA reinvigorated her determination, solidifying her belief that indie authors are shaping the future of publishing through their willingness to break established rules. Her passion lies in dark romance, and she intends to continue exploring this genre. While she enjoyed the intensity of erotic horror, she acknowledges the need to give her heart a respite before revisiting it.